Saturday 18 July 2015

Do You Find Life a Constant Struggle?

Do you think of your life as a constant struggle? Do you sometimes feel you simply can't cope with all the problems you have to contend with? Problems at work, problems with a relationship, financial problems? A feeling that you are just overwhelmed with what life is throwing at you and you fear what is going to happen next...?

Think about your problems for a moment. Write them down on pieces of paper. All of them. You are looking at them in black and white now. 

Now crumple up those pieces of paper. All of them. 

Now imagine you are putting each piece of crumpled up paper into a helium-filled balloon. One balloon for each piece of paper, each problem, each stressful thought. 

You may have several balloons or you may just have a handful - or even just one. You're hanging on tightly to these balloons. But now is the time to let go.

Release these balloons and let them float away....float away into the distance, carrying your problems and worries with them....

Let your mind be at peace. At peace in the knowledge that you can cope with anything that life throws at you. We all have setbacks but you have the capability and the power to overcome setbacks and not let problems dominate your life.

Remember that everything good that happens to you, happens not as a result of someone else, or something else. It all happens because of you. You have the strength. You have the confidence. You have the capability to make life better. And you are already making it happen....

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